This post is part one on trying to get all my cakes on my blog, I don't know what happened to the pictures of my very first few cakes, but here's from about cake number 5 on up.
This is my garden cake. Chocolate cake, covered in cream cheese frosting, crushed oreos on top. Veggies are modeling chocolate and mmf. I love the little veggies on this one.

This is and Phineus and Ferb, and they're little platypus, they like to hang out under their tree. A lot of work went into this cake, characters make me nervous, but in the end I think they turned out good. Both boys and the tree are modeling chocolate.

This one turned out a little too real, when we were eating it, it felt like you were about to accidentally eat an olive on your cake. But I love the way it turned out.

This cake was for a baby blessing, that was on easter, that's why there's little easter eggs and grass on the side of the cake. I loved the little feet and toes on this one.

This one was super cute and just fun. I love the cute little bees.

This cake is complete with matching smash cake. The balls on top were modeling chocolate. The downside to this cake was, I thought I was making a 12 inch cake and a 10 inch cake. I think the bottom cake must be and 11 in, so in the end there wasn't enough difference in the two. But I finally figured out how to start making my cakes shinier at this point.

I loved this cake! This was for and Alice in Wonderland tea party. The teapot's spout was hollowed out so we could put dry ice to make it steam which was so cute.

These are simple, but go along with the theme. If you eat these, they might make you change size!

This one was fun, the cake is covered in cream cheese frosting. The "noodles" are fondant, I put it through my pasta cutter to make it look more realistic. The "sauce" is strawberry preserves, the "meetballs" are extra cake, smooshed into balls. The one thing with the "grated parmesan" that I didn't love is I couldn't find a big piece of chocolate so I could make the peices bigger. The best I had that day is white chocolate chips. But I thought this was fun. This cake also marks when I finally perfected my cake recipes and now they're really good. This was my homemade super moist chocolate cake.

This is the biggest cake I had and have ever made. I could pick a few things about this cake, but overall it was fun.

This was a little treat for the super bowl. It's a homemade Oreo Truffle. These are super easy to make. Crush a package of Oreos, mix with 8oz. of cream cheese. Roll into balls, or in this case football shapes. Refrigerate for about 45 min. Then dip in chocolate. ( I usually like to swirl white chocolate on the top, in this case I did the stitching to look like a football.) Also you can switch it up and use white chocolate instead of milk for the entire thing.

My husband's Grandpa was born on Ground Hog's day. Much to my surprise he had never had a ground hog cake before. I thought my little version of Puxatony Phill (I'm not sure if that's spelled right) turned out cute. And yes, he saw his shadow.

This was the top for a Rapunzel cake. The tower is rice crispy treat. I then covered it in fondant, and then made rocks, shingles, vine and flowers. And of course I had to make a little pascal, and Rapunzel's hair. There's a few little issues with the roof, but as you can see I was starting to do better.
I wanted to make the base cake pretty simple. Since the tower already has so many details. So I tried not to have too many things going with that. One thing you'll notice with my cakes is sometimes I may have a few too many details. I apparently do the more is more kind of look. On top of that I like dark colors, I don't usually do light subtle colors, that's just my personality I guess.

This was a smash cake. I love this cake, who doesn't love a humongous cupcake.

This was not my favorite cake. I tried to make some characters, and put a few toy characters on the cake as well. The colors just didn't go well, The i was my first crispy treat trial, and it did not exactly work the way I had hoped.

This one was for Thanksgiving of course. I liked the was it turned out. One thing that bugs me with these first cakes is that I couldn't figure out how to make them look shiny. You can see too much powdered sugar, at the time I knew it, I just didn't know what to do about it.

For this cake, I tried to do something a little too hard for my skills at the time. On top of that I did this cake from start to finish in just a few hours. As you can see, that is not enough, the cake should have time to cool as well as the fondant having time to set. Lessons learned.

I really loved this cake. And it was pretty good for the level I was at. I should have gotten a better picture, but it's too late now. The cake was a pumpkin chocolate chip cake, with vanilla buttercream, and marshmallow fondant.

These are not cakes, obviously, but I decided to figure out how to make homemade doughnuts. They took pretty much all day, but were so good.

This was cake number three, I was trying to figure out flowers and bows. There's a few too many things going on with this cake, but still kind of fun.

This was my second fondant cake. I made it for a client's mission farewell, You can see some of the issues with it. But for a second cake not so bad.